Welcome to the Studio di Giovarsi Law Firm

Our experts are always ready to assist you in resolving your problem. Reach out to us using the contact information provided below. Please check out our services in the “Services” section of our website.

About Us

Studio di Giovarzi is one of the oldest European companies in southern Italy that started its activities back in 1930. The company is run by competent and highly qualified specialists.

About the management

The company’s management comprises native Italians who have received education from top European universities and possess the required judicial expertise. Today, the managing partners of Studio Giovarzi reside in the United States and run the company in Sicily.


Studio Giovarzi engages in a broad spectrum of services, however, the company prioritizes specialized and complex areas, such as:

  • Criminal procedure
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
  • International dispute resolution
  • Trademark registration and protection
  • Banking law
  • Credit protection


Court proceedings


«A well-done job is when it is executed flawlessly from the very first attempt.»

  • Justice
  • Honor
  • Dignity
  • Dedication

Contact Us

Studio di Giovarsi operates during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 19:00.

To consult with the lawyer of our company, please schedule an appointment.



Via Imperatore Federico,
100 90143 – Palermo, Italy



Tel. +39091-54-06-20